Thursday, 14 February 2013

Retronix Expands its Temperature Testing Capability

Retronix has taken delivery of a TPO412A Thermostream Temperature Forcing System in response to the increasing demand from customers to temperatures test ICs and other components. Capable of temperature extremes beyond -55°C to +125°C this nitrogen fed temperature forcing system allows Retronix to test ICs at commercial, industrial and military temperature ranges. Customers are asking Retronix to confirm certain product data sheet parameters at temperature and there is an increasing demand from OEM customers to characterise commercial grade ICs at wider temperature extremes. Retronix also plans to develop its extensive  Curve Trace Test capability to include test at temperature.

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Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Retronix's Process Reduces OEM Production Costs for NPI by Over 50%

A division of a large telecoms company was responsible for the design of new products, specifically telecoms switches. These pcbs cost $15k each to make. This company would make perhaps 5 different versions, each one an improved version of the first, until they were satisfied with the design and released it to production.

Although each new version of the pcb is slightly different, most of the ICs, which make up 90% of the cost, are the same.

By sending the previous version of the pcb to Retronix for component recovery, the oem reduced the cost of their NPI production process by over 50%, without compromising quality, using Retronix’s IC rescue process.